A Good Neighbor is a Welcome Blessing:
We value the people who live next door enormously. A man who has a good neighbor is truly fortunate. Life is worth living if you have good neighbors. I am also fortunate to have Mr. Anwar as a neighbor. He is a well-known educator. He is a really gentle and caring man. He is friendly and welcoming. He is attractive to everyone. He is highly obedient and on time. Five times a day, he offers his Namaz. He frequently takes walks outside. He owns a garden close to his home. There, he has cultivated a variety of flowers. Every time I run across a problem, I ask him for advice. We often go together for a walk and to establish Namaz. He has greatly impressed me. He never frets about trivial matters. His sense of humor is good. He truly is a gift from Allah to me. He makes me very proud. I hope our connection endures!